Reine e Sergey

Mi chiamo Reine e lui è Sergey, siamo entrambi originari di Gent, in Belgio. Io in realtà vivo a Losanna dove sto facendo un Erasmus in Business Engineering. Sergey invece vive a Gent, dove studia Ingegneria. Siamo venuti a Milano per il fine settimana da Losanna. Domani ripartiremo, Io per Losanna e Sergey per Gent. Ma a fine gennaio, finito l’Erasmus, tornerò a Gent. Andremo a vivere assieme.

My name is Reine and he is Sergey, we are both from Gent, in Belgium. I actually live in Lausanne where I'm doing Erasmus in Business Engineering. Sergey is living in Gent where he studies engineering. We came to Milan for the weekend. Tomorrow we will leave, I head for Lausanne and Sergey for Gent. But in late January, when the Erasmus will be over, return to Gent. We're going to live together.

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